Gorgeous Olive Tunic + New Fall Accessories

Gorgeous Olive Tunic + New Fall Accessories

olive tunicolive tunic olive tunicolive tunic olive tunic olive tunic olive tunic olive tunic

TOP | JEANS | BOOTIES (from last year, this year's version is here) | CLUTCH: Similar here and here | TOP NECKLACE | BOTTOM NECKLACE | EARRINGS | WATCH | RINGS: here and here | BRACELETS: here, here and here

I seriously cannot believe how nice this fall weather has been lately. I love this cold-shoulder bell-sleeve olive tunic so much. It combines some of my favorite trends all in one piece. The color is dark so I decided to pair it with a blush clutch to mix up the colors. This gold bar necklace is newer to my collection. I used to have a different one, but I wore it in the shower one too many times and the color wore off of it. I don't know why, but I'm so lazy about taking my necklaces off when I shower. I think this entire look is so perfect for a casual fall outing. I can also see this tunic being paired with leggings, black booties, and a great handbag. I also recently added a couple of new bracelets to my collection including this one and this one, and I'm obsessedddddd! I guess I have a thing for gold...who knew?! HA!

Tomorrow Pete and I are going to have a little day date in Detroit so I can work on an exciting post I have coming up very soon! We always say we want to spend more time downtown and then life is busy and we don't get down there as much as we'd like to. It'll be fun to have some sunny weather and spend the way wandering around the city!

I hope you have a wonderful week!



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Thank you to Swirling Honey for providing this tunic!

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